2013 Writing Term 4

2014 Writing Term 4
An awesome author uses finger spaces, capital letters and punctuations.  
They also give their story a title, use different sentence beginnings and they use ‘wow’ words and lots of Fast Words.

Student reflection on Oaklands 50th Jubilee:

2014 Term 4 Maths

2014 Term 4 Maths

I am learning to:

Solve problems mentally (addition & subtraction) using basic facts I know.

2014 Term 4 Reading

2014 Term 4 Reading

In my group I am learning to predict, clarify words and phrases I do not understand, ask questions and summarise the text in my own words.

Mrs BergmannWhat do you like best about reading?

Student Voice: I like to read big books and learn things from them.

2014 Term 3 Writing

2014 Term 3 Writing

We are learning to:
write a description
use an iPad or Mac laptop to publish our writing
read our writing in a clear voice in front of an audience

We can do this when we can: 
use interesting words, write sentences that make sense, use describing words and edit and read our work.

Teacher Comment: 
You have used some describing words.  Your next step is to add more describing words to your writing.
I like the way your words match your mind map.

2014 Term 4 Music

2014 Term 4 Music

Students are given the opportunity to experiment with a musical instrument and playing different simple music pieces that could then be built on to create a larger unit incorporating the skills learnt.

Student Voice:
I like to play the recorder because I am good at it.

2014 Discovery Term 4

2014 Discovery Term 4

WALT - to use our Key Competencies during Discovery.

Student Voice - " I am being creative and relating to others during  Discovery by creating a house out of paper, cardboard and other stuff".

2014 Term 3 CARE

We are learning to:
Be a positive member of Room 23 and Oaklands School.
Active Thinking:
Use our initiative when making choices.
Be kind and respectful towards others.
Be excellent students of Room 23 and Oaklands School.

Student Reflection:

I am trying to be respectful and walk quietly to the hall and listening to Mrs Bergmann.

2013 Term3 Maths

2014 Term 3 Maths – Measurements

Mathematics Strand: Measurement – Length

This term we are learning to:
·      estimate length of different objects and spaces
·      measure length with non-standard and standard units
·      use measuring language to compare length, width, and height

Success Criteria:

We can do this when we can estimate and measure different objects and spaces, using measuring language.

Student reflection:
Mrs  Bergmann: Name something that is a meter long?

Morgan: The window side.

2014 Term 3 Music

2014 Term 3 Music

This term we have been learning to participate and contribute in music.  Click on the link below to see our performance.

Assessment Rubric

Mark Book 400

Participating & Contributing
I need help to participate and contribute  
I can participate and   contribute  if I am prompted or directed.
I can participate and contribute .
I cannot explain why it is important to do so.
I can participate and contribute .
I can explain why it is important to do so.
I can participate and contribute .
I can explain why it is important to do so.

I act as a role model for others to help them participate and contribute
I seek feedback on how to improve how I can participate and contribute.

2014 Term 1 TOPIC

Term 1 TOPIC

Our Big Idea:
Relationships are the foundation of a happy community. 

Conceptual Understanding - Describe and/or define a relationship in a happy community
Skill Focus - I can participate and contribute to a restorative conversation.

We can explore and share ideas about relationships with other people.

Because I can participate and contribute to a restorative conversation.


We will be able to participate and contribute in a restorative conversation and know we are doing it to rebuild the relationship. 

2014 Term 1 Maths

Term 1 Maths 

Numbers can be rearranged and combined to make ten.

We can rearranged and combine numbers to make ten.

Because we can rearranged and combine numbers to make ten.

Extended Abstract 

We will be able to teach others how to do this.